General Information 

The therapeutic relationship is unique in that it is a highly personal and at the same time, a contractual agreement. Given this, it is important for Zevo Health to outline boundaries around how support is given and what you can expect. This consent will provide a clear framework for your work with your therapist. 

Please take your time to read through our confidentiality agreement and indicate your agreement by checking the tick box or by returning a signed and dated copy to your counsellor. This document works in parallel with the Zevo Helath Privacy Policy.

Platform& Privacy

Sessions will be conducted via the online platform Zoom. You will need an internet connection to access Zoom facilities on your computer or phone which is free to download and set up a user name. Zoom conversations are encrypted. We will send you our Zoom contact details that we use for counselling. You will need to be ready to connect at the agreed time for sessions. Sessions are 50 minutes long. If we have agreed to more than one session, then a time for the next meeting will be made at the end of the conducted session. 

 If the platform fails or there are connectivity issues then alternative arrangements will be made to hold your call.

It is also recommended that both parties use headphones during the session to ensure that the discussion is not overheard by a third party. 


Credit/Debit card payments can be made via the online payment method via the Zevo Health website. Payment must be received 48 hours prior to your appointment time

Lateness, Missed or Cancellation of sessions:

Session are organised for an agreed date and time. If you are late attending the session we will stay online for 15 minutes to allow for any eventualities. If you do not make contact in this time then the session will be considered missed and will be cancelled. You will be charged for this. If you are late attending your session, we will still end on the original time for the session.

If you wish to cancel a session you are asked to give a minimum of 24 hours notice by email. A 50% charge applies to cancellation of scheduled appointments. A 100% charge applies to cancellation of scheduled appointments within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time. If you miss your agreed session and have not given sufficient notice then your payment will be kept.


All records will be maintained as required by the applicable legal and ethical standards according to the various counselling and psychotherapy professions licensing boards (e.g. The Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy), of the country which the therapist resides in. All Zevo Health therapists are based in Ireland. This will not impact your GDPR  rights as outlined in the Zevo Health Privacy Policy.

Recording of sessions is prohibited.

Exceptions to confidentiality

Information about the client will only be released with their written permission, with exceptions of the following cases:

  1. If the therapist determines risk of self-harm
  2. If the therapist determines risk of harm to others
  3. If the therapist is informed about or suspects abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a minor, whether in your care or not. 
  4. If there is a disclosure of retrospective childhood abus
  5. If information disclosed is needed as part of legal proceedings

Limitations of online therapy 

Online therapy is not a crisis based clinical service and may not be appropriate for clients with active suicidal thoughts, or clients who are experiencing acute mental health problems. If the therapist deems that the level of care required is above their ability to deliver online, then your sessions will be stopped, and you will be referred to a service more suitable for your current needs. As the client, you understand that online therapy is not appropriate if you are experiencing crisis or having suicidal thoughts. Should crisis occur, you agree to call 999, go to the nearest emergency department, or contact a crisis hotline e.g. Samaritans 116 123.