An office-based setting is an important area to implement structures to assist employees’ lifelong health. Some positive enforcement resources can be optimised most effectively to diminish the negative impact of this costly workplace issue.
The working week is traditionally forty hours, this gives a huge amount of time to have a positive impact on individuals wellbeing and help create healthy habits. Change in working conditions over the last year saw a huge increase in employees working from home. This drastic change in the working environment increases the risk of sedentary behavior and poor ergonomics of workstations at home.
As a result, Zevo Health Wellbeing Experts have created this resource ‘A Business Case For A Multitiered Intervention to Reduce the Incidence of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders’ eBook. The eBook covers topics such as who is most at risk, diagnosis and treatment, and the current legal obligations of an employer.