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Kindness at Work: Elevating Work-Life Quality in Trust & Safety

By October 22, 2024No Comments

 November 13th marks World Kindness Day – a beautiful initiative which began in 1998 to promote and recognize the power of kindness to enhance human connections and build stronger, healthier relationships and more cohesive communities. With many global conflicts currently raging, it seems more important than ever that deliberate efforts are made to support this cause and cultivate harmony and emphasize our shared humanity.  

Incorporating kindness into any work environment can inevitably enhance worker wellbeing and overall job satisfaction in many ways – however, it can be especially important in roles with high levels of emotional labor which are vulnerable to empathy fatigue and burnout. Content Moderators (CMs) in particular can experience extensive exposure to the unkindness and brutality in the world, and as such it becomes even more important to reinforce the goodness and harmony that also exists. 

According to Dr. David R. Hamilton, a renowned author and speaker on the science of kindness, there are significant side effects of practicing kindness regularly;  

  • Increases happiness: Engaging in acts of kindness boosts the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, the chemicals responsible for feelings of satisfaction and wellbeing. This can lead to a natural high often referred to as the “helper’s high,” enhancing mood and overall happiness. 
  • Supports heart health and reduces inflammation: Kind acts can have a positive impact on cardiovascular health due to elevated oxytocin and increased release of nitric oxide. This can be associated with lowered blood pressure and may contribute to reduced strain on the heart, as well as lower inflammation. 
  • Improves relationships: One of the more obvious benefits is that regular acts of kindness strengthen relationships by fostering trust, empathy, and compassion between individuals. Being kind encourages reciprocity and can deepen connections with others, leading to more meaningful and satisfying relationships. 
  • It is contagious: Kind acts tend to inspire others to be kind, creating a ripple effect that can spread through social networks. Witnessing acts of kindness increases the likelihood that others will act kindly themselves, amplifying the positive impact on communities and societies. 

Fostering a kinder and more conscientious work culture may help to buffer some of the stressors inherent in highly demanding roles such as CM and inevitably benefit everyone in the organization.  

But where to begin? Kindness may seem a bit abstract, more so a ‘nice-to-have’ bonus of a well-functioning workforce, as opposed to a central focus of the People Strategy. Yet there is much that can be done on all tiers within an organization to cultivate a kinder work environment and the following are just some of the avenues to consider.

1.Promote a Supportive Work Environment

There are many simple ways to create a more supportive and cooperative work environment. 

Peer support programs can provide moderators with a safe space to share experiences and coping strategies. A recent study found that peer support significantly reduced stress levels and trauma among public safety workers. When individuals are more resourced and rested, there is greater tolerance and capacity for patience and kindness towards colleagues. 

Open communication channels can help to encourage and promote open dialogue between staff and management to help address concerns promptly and in turn foster greater trust within the team. This sets the tone for a more mature and collaborative atmosphere, as opposed to a hierarchical and directive environment which can breed fear-based relationships instead of genuine connection. 

Physical and virtual spaces for social connection can help to ensure colleagues have opportunities to connect and engage with each other about topics unrelated to work – again, building human connection to cultivate empathy and more sincerity in relationships. 

2. Implement Recognition and Appreciation Programs

Sincerely acknowledging the hard work and dedication of CMs can help boost morale and job satisfaction, helping workers to feel valued and cared for. This consistent recognition has been shown to reduce burnout rates among employees in many industries, 4 but is especially important in T&S. 

Employee recognition initiatives such as employee of the quarter can be used to highlight not only outstanding performance and dedication, but also teamwork and collaboration.  

Personalized appreciation such as acknowledging personal life milestones or simple gestures like thank you notes can make a significant difference in an employee’s day. 

Appreciation noticeboards in the workspace/ online platforms for employees to give a shout out to colleagues, providing a forum to publicly acknowledge positive qualities and contributions among team members can boost morale and foster belonging. 

3. Encourage and Role Model Work-Life Balance

As already mentioned, the capacity for kindness and patience is often associated with how resourced and energized an individual feels – and the window of tolerance can be directly linked to stress burden. For this reason, helping CMs to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life is essential to create a kinder work environment. 

This is true for employees at all tiers of the organization, as kindness towards self is just as important as kindness towards others. For this reason, it is important that work-life balance is not only recognized but implemented at every level. 

T&S can be a tough and highly dynamic industry, putting immense pressure on those in positions of high responsibility – and it can be easy to bypass the human-relational focus when demands are high. Curt and direct messages can become default under tight deadlines. The key here is awareness – to acknowledge at times it indeed may be necessary to conserve energy and be direct during phases of high pressure, but that it is important to allocate time for recovery, restoration and reconnection in the aftermath. Otherwise, people can feel disrespected, uncared for and leave. 

There are many ways to enforce healthier work-life balance. 

Flexible scheduling is not always possible in T&S, however, accommodating preferred work hours as much as possible can help CMs to feel cared for and valued. Being transparent about restrictions and giving consideration to longer term solutions can demonstrate to CMs that their personal needs and preferences do indeed matter, and reassurance that existing structures can be reassessed and evolve. 

Adequate break taking and enforcing holiday leave can also serve to cultivate a kinder work environment – as again, it helps to prevent fatigue, and employees feel their needs are acknowledged and cared for.

Transparent communication during phases of high workload and intensified demand signals to workers that their personal limits matter to the organization, and that endeavors are underway to ensure greater sustainability. In contrast, if there is no clear end to high work strain, employees will feel exploited, and this in turn can breed resentment and lead to attrition.

4.Lead with Empathy

Management and leadership play a key role in exemplifying the kindness they wish to see among their teams. Empathy is a skill that can be developed over time which means that leaders and decision-makers can hone this key people skill. 

Leadership training can support managers to be more empathetic and better attuned to the needs of their team. This ties in closely with the initiatives to promote a more supportive work environment detailed above. Unfortunately, many leaders are promoted for their technical proficiency and may lack the skills to lead individuals and cultivate a psychologically safe team. Upskilling in this area can serve to enhance micro-cultures within teams and departments. 

Inclusive decision-making increases CMs sense of autonomy and agency, in what can otherwise be a relatively low control role. Exploring new ways to involve CMS and broader teams within T&S in decisions that affect their work can help to increase their sense of ownership and satisfaction. 

In summary 

Enhancing the work-life quality of content moderators through kindness is not just a compassionate approach but a highly strategic one. By fostering a supportive environment workers feel their mental health and wellbeing is a priority for the organization. CMs play such a vital role in maintaining the integrity of online spaces. It is imperative that organizations reciprocate by ensuring their wellbeing through thoughtful, kindness-centered initiatives. 

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