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Working From Home: Tips To Maximise Productivity

By May 16, 2022December 12th, 2024No Comments

As many of us continue to work remotely or hybrid, it’s crucial to find key ways to maximise productivity when working from home.

When working from home, it’s important to find a routine and methods that help you stay productive and your motivation high.  According to a survey carried out by Airtasker, ” 37% of the remote workers say taking regular breaks is the best way to stay productive”. Use your breaks to get a drink of water, a snack, fresh air or check on your family.

Several studies over the past few months show productivity while working remotely from home is better than working in an office setting. On average, those who work from home spend 10 minutes less a day being unproductive, work one more day a week, and are 47% more productive.

Whether you a thriving working from home, or struggling to remain focused, we  hope this working from home advice will help you adjust and stay productive.

1. A working space that is suited to your job role

Choosing a location that is suited to your job role is so important to maximise productivity.  If your job role requires a quiet environment (e.g. accountants) and no distractions, choose a specific area in your home that won’t intrude into the lives of the other individuals living in your house.

Your job may require more brainstorming or creativity so curled up on the sofa one day and sitting at your kitchen table the next day could work best for you.

Think of how your day is usually structured at work and where in your house is best suited to complete these tasks.

2. Plan your day

Before you start work at your workstation, write out a plan for the day.  Schedule your start and finish time and schedule structured breaks within your day.   Ensuring your start and finishing times are aligned to your normal working day will ensure structure.  List out the tasks you want to complete that day. If you want to be more particular about your list, you can have tasks you want to complete before lunch to ensure you get those done and remain productive for the whole day.

3. Increase communication with your team

Many us we spend our working days verbally communicating with our colleagues in both formal and informal settings.  Remote working can present communication challenges and communication breakdown can occur.  For employees who may struggle with working from home, they may feel  isolated and overwhelmed.  To battle this feeling, employers should ensure extra communication lines are opened for remote workers.

Having virtual meetings may help with increasing communication levels and ensuring remote workers feel that they are still part of a team.  Software such as Slack, GoToMeeting, Zoom etc may be useful to in promoting communication.

4. Fresh air

Individuals suddenly spending an increased proportion of time at home should be mindful of the importance of taking breaks and getting outside as much as possible.  Many people enjoy breaking up their working day by going for a walk at lunchtime or may prefer to do some gardening after work.  Do what works for you. Fresh air and light exercise will reduce stress levels, help you relax and switch off from work.

5. Prepare for work as normal

A useful tip in maximising productivity when working from home is to get ready for work as one would normally do.  Getting ready as you would if you were going into the office will get you in to the right mindset and ensure you are the most productive you can be that day. If you feel and look like you would when you are surrounded by your work colleagues, this will help you feel motivated to achieve your tasks for that day.

6. Finish work at your normal time

Possibly the most important aspect of working from home is ensuring you log off the same time you would if you were in the office. You need to develop boundaries to ensure you continue a healthy work life balance during your time working at home. Just because you have 24/7 access to your workstation does not mean you need to log on every time a work thought pops into your head. Write the idea or thought down and come back to it the next day when your working day has begun. Having down time from work will allow your mind to rest and you will be able to tackle another productive day and work to your full potential.

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