Cookies Policy

What is a Cookie?

Cookies are data, stored in small text files on your computer. The cookie allows the website to “remember” your actions or preferences over a period of time.

Additionally, we use HTML local storage. This was introduced with HTML and is a more secure alternative to cookies. This allows websites to save data into the web browser. There are two types of storage – session and persistent. Session Storage only exists until the visitor closes their web browser. Persistent storage remains until it is deleted by the visitor.

We use some persistent local storage. We use this to store settings and configurations for some of the components we use, such as sliders and tables. This is not personal data and unlike cookies, it is not transmitted back to servers.

We use cookies and other tracking technology on this website to create a better experience for you. Like all websites based in Ireland, we need your permission to store and access cookies on your device. You can control the categories of cookies enabled on this device by selecting one of the consent options offered to you when you first visit the site, or at any time by accessing this page and selecting from the options below. We will retain your consent for a period of 6 months after which we will seek your consent again.

Some of the cookies we use are Strictly Necessary, so our website can work properly, and do not need your consent. These will deploy when you visit our site.

We have split the remaining cookies into two categories, Functional, and Statistics.

You can choose whether to allow these categories separately by choosing the Allow Section button, and your choice can be changed at any time by accessing this webpage and choosing from the options below.

As above, Cookies can be for the session only, which means they are live for the browsing session only, or persistent, which means they continue for some time after the session. You can see the duration for each cookie in the detailed table below.

In the Functional category of cookies, we have cookies that are used to provide additional website functionality and to store users’ preferences in how the site is presented. Some examples of additional functions include the provision of our help service, which is provided by Zendesk, a sub-processor who acts on our behalf.

Cookies are also used to remember your language and preferences.

In the Statistics category of cookies we have cookies that are used to gather statistics on how the website is used, the number of visitors, how long they spend on the site, and how often the same devices visit our site.

The information gathered includes IP addresses, device identifiers which allow for aggregate reporting of statistics. No individual data is retained by us and we cannot identify users or devices individually.

We have Google Analytics installed on our website with cookies (_ga, _gat and _gid) provided by Google to enable this analytics service. Data is shared with Google through this service which may be combined with other data that Google holds to become personally identifiable information. Statistical cookies will only be enabled on our websites where you consent to Statistics cookies.

Your consent applies to the following domains: www. zevo. app and all sub-domains.