What is mindful productivity?

Mindful productivity is a state of being in which you are consciously present in what you are doing and managing your mental and emotional states. It is about calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings and thoughts while engaged in work or creative activities.

What does it mean to be mindful in the workplace?

Mindful working means being fully present in everything you do from the moment you walk into the office, to the moment you leave the office. Being able to focus on the task at hand and noticing when your mind wanders. When that happens, have the ability to bring your attention back to what you are doing without criticizing yourself for forgetting. By being “in the moment” this way, you’ll increase your effectiveness, decrease mistakes, and even enhance creativity.

What are 3 things you can do every day in order to improve your mindfulness?

As mindfulness has a strong connection to time management, learning leaders and employees who practice mindfulness can be more efficient in their time management.

Self-management is the ability to manage your internal world and time. For example, if you arrange a meeting, it’s important to be on time. Being punctual and being aware of others people’s time, will encourage others to be punctual when they meet with you in the future.

Below are 3 things you can do every day in order to improve your mindfulness:

Be mindful in your interactions

Mindfulness in relationships is about observing another person’s actions without judgment, as well as being fully present during your conversations.

When you are interacting with another individual, be sure to give them your undivided attention and not scroll through your phone or be distracted by your surrounding environment.

You can practice the art of mindfulness by paying attention to the way you’re feeling, listening, and learning to respond in an effective and mindful manner.

Take a moment to pause during the day

A variety of mindfulness exercises can help you stay on track as you move from one activity to the next throughout the day. For example, you can schedule time every day to practice breathing techniques, yoga or meditation. Breathing techniques can have an extremely calming effect on the body and can help you stay grounded in the present moment.

Practice mindful eating

In order to be more mindful about how you fuel your body, resist the urge to multi-task while you eat. While eating, be present with your food. Pay attention to every bite that you take and be careful how you chew it. Notice how full your body feels before you’re finished with a meal, and how satisfied you feel after eating a meal. When you’re more intentional about what you’re eating, it helps you focus on fueling your body with the nutrition it needs.

Does mindfulness increase productivity?

Researchers have been studying the biological impact of mindfulness for several decades. Brown University’s Mindfulness Center is dedicated to rigorous research on the impact of mindfulness on health. Mindfulness has been shown to improve attention span and short-term memory. It’s also discovered that the practice of mindfulness improves the ability to perform complex cognitive tasks, and also serves to reduce anxiety and stress. The practice of mindfulness in the workplace also can help employees respond to their work environment and the world around than in a more conscious way rather than a compulsive way.

Research shows that worker stress costs employers billions of dollars in lost productivity. Organisations should consider introducing mindful productivity tools among their employees to increase worker focus and enable people to get more done in less time.

Here are a few simple tips on how your organisations can do that:

The practice of mindful productivity is accessible to everyone

Mindfulness is a technique to focus on the present moment, accepting and non-judgmental. Any individual can benefit from this practice regardless of their physical capabilities or job titles.

Start with the basics

Starting anything new can be overwhelming and daunting. Start by practicing a 5 to 10-minute mindful session to get your brain trained on how to practice the art of mindful productivity. Just like an athlete trains their bodies, we need to train our minds.

Give employees the space and time they may need

Consider how you might be able to incorporate mindfulness into meetings or promote it throughout the company. Allow people the time and space to organically become interested and enjoy the practice of mindfulness. In the long run, mindfulness at work could become part of an integrated practice.

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