About this Webinar

Date: Thursday, 26th, 4:00pm GMT
Speakers: Dr. Michelle Teo, Clinical Director, and Lorraine Lyndsey, Lead Wellbeing Specialist at Zevo Health

This webinar will explore some core challenges when inducted into a moderation role for the first time, both the known and less commonly recognized difficulties across the industry. It will also highlight rewarding elements of the role, utilizing anonymized stories from moderators we have worked with directly. Using this lived experience, we will also share tips around adapting to the nature of moderation work.

This webinar may also be useful for leaders and support functions, to learn more about the challenges moderators face daily that may not always be explicitly shared. Furthermore, they can walk away from this webinar armed with knowledge about what is supportive for new moderators, that can be shared with their own teams to enhance team working and cohesion.

Key takeaways:

  • What to expect in your first weeks in content moderation
  • Common challenges faced during training and onboarding
  • Difficulties to be mindful of as you become familiarized with your role
  • Anonymized stories of shared successes and rewarding experiences in moderation work
  • Key tips to adapt to your new role

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